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Маленькое просвещение на тему "Порты"

  Мне уже надоело, что меня постоянно спрашивают, какой порт что обозначает, и поэтому я решил вам, детки, выложить табличку, состоящую из двух колонок: в одной вы увидите номер порта, а во второй вы найдете то, что может стоять на данном порту, либо .... короче вот она :

1 tcpmux - TCP Port Service Multiplexer

2 compressnet - Management Utilitylexer

3 compressnet - Compression Processexer

5 rje - Remote Job Entryion Processexer

7 echo -Remote Job Entryion Processexer

9 discard - sink nulltryion Processexer

11 systat - users #Active Usersocessexer

13 daytime -users #Active Usersocessexer

17 qotd - quote #Quote of the Dayessexer

18 msp - Message Send ProtocolDayessexer

19 chargen - ttytst source #Character Generator

20 ftp-data - File Transfer [Default Data]rator

21 ftp - File Transfer [Control]ault Data]rator

22 ssh - Secure Shell Logintrol]ault Data]rator

23 telnet -cure Shell Logintrol]ault Data]rator

24 - any private mail systemol]ault Data]rator

25 smtp - mail #Simple Mail Transfer Data]rator

27 nsw-fe - NSW User System FEansfer Data]rator

29 msg-icp - MSG ICP System FEansfer Data]rator

31 msg-auth - MSG Authenticationsfer Data]rator

33 dsp - Display Support Protocolfer Data]rator

35 - any private printer serverlfer Data]rator

37 time - timserverrinter serverlfer Data]rator

38 rap - Route Access Protocolerlfer Data]rator

39 rlp - resource #Resource Location Protocolor

41 graphics -urce #Resource Location Protocolor

42 nameserver - name #Host Name Serverrotocolor

43 nicname - whoisme #Host Name Serverrotocolor

44 mpm-flags - MPM FLAGS Protocolerverrotocolor

45 mpm - Message Processing Module [recv]ocolor

46 mpm-snd - MPM [default send]ule [recv]ocolor

47 ni-ftp - NI FTPdefault send]ule [recv]ocolor

48 auditd - Digital Audit Daemonle [recv]ocolor

49 login - Login HostProtocolmonle [recv]ocolor

50 re-mail-ck - Remote Mail Checking Protocolor

51 la-maint - IMP Logical Address Maintenanceor

52 xns-time - XNS Time Protocolss Maintenanceor

53 domain - Domain Name Serverlss Maintenanceor

54 xns-ch - XNS Clearinghouserlss Maintenanceor

55 isi-gl - ISI Graphics Language Maintenanceor

56 xns-auth - XNS Authenticatione Maintenanceor

57 mtp - deprecated or any private terminal access

58 xns-mail - XNS Mailr any private terminal access

59 - any private file serviceivate terminal access

61 ni-mail - NI MAILle serviceivate terminal access

62 acas - ACA Services serviceivate terminal access

63 whois++ -A Services serviceivate terminal access

64 covia - Communications Integrator (CI)nal access

65 tacacs-ds - TACACS-Database ServiceCI)nal access

66 sql*net - Oracle SQL*NETase ServiceCI)nal access

67 bootps - dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server access

68 bootpc - dhcp #Bootstrap Protocol Clientr access

69 tftp - Trivial File Transfertocol Clientr access

70 gopher -rivial File Transfertocol Clientr access

71 netrjs-1 - Remote Job Serviceocol Clientr access

72 netrjs-2 - Remote Job Serviceocol Clientr access

73 netrjs-3 - Remote Job Serviceocol Clientr access

74 netrjs-4 - Remote Job Serviceocol Clientr access

75 - any private dial out serviceol Clientr access

76 deos - Distributed External Object Storer access

77 netrjs - or any private RJE serviceStorer access

78 vettcp - or any private RJE serviceStorer access

79 finger - or any private RJE serviceStorer access

80 http - www www-http #World Wide Web HTTPr access

81 hosts2-ns - HOSTS2 Name Servere Web HTTPr access

82 xfer - XFER UtilityName Servere Web HTTPr access

83 mit-ml-dev - MIT ML Devicervere Web HTTPr access

84 ctf - Common Trace Facilityvere Web HTTPr access

85 mit-ml-dev - MIT ML Deviceyvere Web HTTPr access

86 mfcobol - Micro Focus Cobolvere Web HTTPr access

87 ttylink - or any private terminal linkTPr access

88 kerberos - krb5 # Kerberos (v5)al linkTPr access

89 su-mit-tg - SU/MIT Telnet Gateway linkTPr access

90 dnsix - DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map access

91 mit-dov - MIT Dover Spoolerbute Token Map access

92 npp - Network Printing Protocol Token Map access

93 dcp - Device Control Protocolol Token Map access

94 objcall - Tivoli Object Dispatcherken Map access

95 supdup -- Tivoli Object Dispatcherken Map access

96 dixie - DIXIE Protocol Specificationn Map access

97 swift-rvf - Swift Remote Virtural File Protocols

98 tacnews - TAC NewsRemote Virtural File Protocols

99 metagram - Metagram RelayVirtural File Protocols

100 newacct - [unauthorized use]tural File Protocols

101 hostname - hostnames #NIC Host Name Servertocols

102 iso-tsap - tsap #ISO-TSAP Class 0me Servertocols

103 gppitnp - Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Nettocols

104 acr-nema - ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300ols

105 csnet-ns - cso-ns #Mailbox Name Nameserver300ols

106 pop3pw - 3com-tsmux #Eudora compatible PW changer:

107 rtelnet - Remote Telnet Servicepatible PW changer:

108 snagas - SNA Gateway Access Serverible PW changer:

109 pop2 - postoffice #Post Office Protocol - Version 2

110 pop3 - Post Office Protocol - Version 3 - Version 2

111 sunrpc - rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Callersion 2

112 mcidas - McIDAS Data Transmission Protocollersion 2

113 auth - ident tap #Authentication Serviceollersion 2

114 audionews - Audio News Multicast Serviceollersion 2

115 sftp - Simple File Transfer Protocolviceollersion 2

116 ansanotify - ANSA REX NotifyProtocolviceollersion 2

117 uucp-path - UUCP Path Servicerotocolviceollersion 2

118 sqlserv - SQL ServicesServicerotocolviceollersion 2

119 nntp - usenet #Network News Transfer Protocolsion 2

120 cfdptkt -enet #Network News Transfer Protocolsion 2

121 erpc - Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Callotocolsion 2

122 smakynet -ore Expedited Remote Pro.Callotocolsion 2

123 ntp - Network Time Protocolote Pro.Callotocolsion 2

124 ansatrader - ANSA REX Traderte Pro.Callotocolsion 2

125 locus-map - Locus PC-Interface Net Map Sercolsion 2

126 unitary - Unisys Unitary Login Net Map Sercolsion 2

127 locus-con - Locus PC-Interface Conn Servercolsion 2

128 gss-xlicen - GSS X License Verificationvercolsion 2

129 pwdgen - Password Generator Protocolionvercolsion 2

130 cisco-fna - cisco FNATIVEor Protocolionvercolsion 2

131 cisco-tna - cisco TNATIVEor Protocolionvercolsion 2

132 cisco-sys - cisco SYSMAINTr Protocolionvercolsion 2

133 statsrv - Statistics ServiceProtocolionvercolsion 2

134 ingres-net - INGRES-NET Servicetocolionvercolsion 2

135 loc-srv - Location Servicervicetocolionvercolsion 2

136 profile - PROFILE Naming System lionvercolsion 2

137 netbios-ns - NETBIOS Name Service onvercolsion 2

138 netbios-dgm - NETBIOS Datagram Servicenvercolsion 2

139 netbios-ssn - NETBIOS Session Serviceenvercolsion 2

140 emfis-data - EMFIS Data Serviceerviceenvercolsion 2

141 emfis-cntl - EMFIS Control Serviceiceenvercolsion 2

142 bl-idm - Britton-Lee IDM viceiceenvercolsion 2

143 imap - imap2 imap4 #Interim Mail Access Protocol v2

144 NeWS - Window Systemnterim Mail Access Protocol v2

145 uaac - UAAC Protocol m Mail Access Protocol v2

146 iso-tp0 -AC Protocol m Mail Access Protocol v2

147 iso-ip --AC Protocol m Mail Access Protocol v2

148 cronus - CRONUS-SUPPORT Mail Access Protocol v2

149 aed-512 - AED 512 Emulation Servicecess Protocol v2

150 sql-net - AED 512 Emulation Servicecess Protocol v2

151 hems -t - AED 512 Emulation Servicecess Protocol v2

152 bftp - Background File Transfer Program Protocol v2

153 sgmp - Background File Transfer Program Protocol v2

154 netsc-prod -round File Transfer Program Protocol v2

155 netsc-dev --round File Transfer Program Protocol v2

156 sqlsrv - SQL Service e Transfer Program Protocol v2

157 knet-cmp - KNET/VM Command/Message Protocoltocol v2

158 pcmail-srv - PCMail Server essage Protocoltocol v2

159 nss-routing -PCMail Server essage Protocoltocol v2

160 sgmp-traps --PCMail Server essage Protocoltocol v2

161 snmp -raps --PCMail Server essage Protocoltocol v2

162 snmptrap - snmp-trapServer essage Protocoltocol v2

163 cmip-man - CMIP/TCP Manager sage Protocoltocol v2

164 cmip-agent - CMIP/TCP Agent ge Protocoltocol v2

165 xns-courier - Xerox Agent ge Protocoltocol v2

166 s-net - Sirius Systems t ge Protocoltocol v2

167 namp -- Sirius Systems t ge Protocoltocol v2

168 rsvd -- Sirius Systems t ge Protocoltocol v2

169 send -- Sirius Systems t ge Protocoltocol v2

170 print-srv - Network PostScript Protocoltocol v2

171 multiplex - Network Innovations Multiplexoltocol v2

172 cl-1 - Network Innovations CL/1 Multiplexoltocol v2

173 xyplex-mux -rk Innovations CL/1 Multiplexoltocol v2

174 mailq -mux -rk Innovations CL/1 Multiplexoltocol v2

175 vmnet -mux -rk Innovations CL/1 Multiplexoltocol v2

176 genrad-mux -rk Innovations CL/1 Multiplexoltocol v2

177 xdmcp - X Display Manager Control Protocolltocol v2

178 nextstep - NextStep NeXTStep#NextStep Window Server

179 bgp - Border Gateway ProtocolNextStep Window Server

180 ris - Intergraph otocolNextStep Window Server

181 unify -ntergraph otocolNextStep Window Server

182 audit - Unisys Audit SITP tStep Window Server

183 ocbinder -isys Audit SITP tStep Window Server

184 ocserver -isys Audit SITP tStep Window Server

185 remote-kis -ys Audit SITP tStep Window Server

186 kis - KIS Protocol P tStep Window Server

187 aci - Application Communication Interfacedow Server

188 mumps - Plus Five's MUMPS ation Interfacedow Server

189 qft - Queued File Transport ion Interfacedow Server

190 gacp - Gateway Access Control Protocolacedow Server

191 prospero - Prospero Directory Service dow Server

192 osu-nms - OSU Network Monitoring System dow Server

193 srmp - Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol dow Server

194 irc - Internet Relay Chat Protocolotocol dow Server

195 dn6-nlm-aud - DNSIX Network Level Module Auditerver

196 dn6-smm-red - DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redirr

197 dls - Directory Location Service Audit Redirr

198 dls-mon - Directory Location Service Monitor Redirr

199 smux -n - Directory Location Service Monitor Redirr

200 src - IBM System Resource Controller Monitor Redirr

201 at-rtmp - AppleTalk Routing Maintenancenitor Redirr

202 at-nbp - AppleTalk Name Bindingntenancenitor Redirr

203 at-3 - AppleTalk Unused Bindingntenancenitor Redirr

204 at-echo - AppleTalk EchoBindingntenancenitor Redirr

205 at-5 - AppleTalk UnusedoBindingntenancenitor Redirr

206 at-zis - AppleTalk Zone Informationancenitor Redirr

207 at-7 - AppleTalk Unused Informationancenitor Redirr

208 at-8 - AppleTalk Unused Informationancenitor Redirr

209 tam - Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocoltor Redirr

210 z39.50 - wais #ANSI Z39.50d Mail Protocoltor Redirr

211 914c-g - Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminalor Redirr

212 anet - ATEXSSTR truments 914C/G Terminalor Redirr

213 ipx -- ATEXSSTR truments 914C/G Terminalor Redirr

214 vmpwscs -EXSSTR truments 914C/G Terminalor Redirr

215 softpc - Insignia Solutions914C/G Terminalor Redirr

216 atls - Access Technology License Server or Redirr

217 dbase - dBASE Unixnology License Server or Redirr

218 mpp - Netix Message Posting Protocolver or Redirr

219 uarps - Unisys ARPs ng Protocolver or Redirr

220 imap3 - Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3r Redirr

221 fln-spx - Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth r Redirr

222 rsh-spx - Berkeley rshd with SPX auth r Redirr

223 cdc - Certificate Distribution Center r Redirr

243 sur-meas - Survey Measurementn Center r Redirr

245 link -as - Survey Measurementn Center r Redirr

246 dsp3270 - Display Systems Protocol r Redirr

344 pdap - Prospero Data Access Protocol r Redirr

345 pawserv - Perf Analysis Workbenchcol r Redirr

346 zserv - Zebra serversis Workbenchcol r Redirr

347 fatserv - Fatmen Server Workbenchcol r Redirr

348 csi-sgwp - Cabletron Management Protocol r Redirr

371 clearcase -Cabletron Management Protocol r Redirr

372 ulistserv - Unix Listservgement Protocol r Redirr

373 legent-1 - Legent Corporationnt Protocol r Redirr

374 legent-2 - Legent Corporationnt Protocol r Redirr

375 hassle - - Legent Corporationnt Protocol r Redirr

376 nip - Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Protol r Redirr

377 tnETOS - NEC Corporationk Inquiry Protol r Redirr

378 dsETOS - NEC Corporationk Inquiry Protol r Redirr

379 is99c - TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem clientProtol r Redirr

380 is99s - TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem serverProtol r Redirr

381 hp-collector - hp performance data collector Redirr

382 hp-managed-node - hp performance data managed noder

383 hp-alarm-mgr - hp performance data alarm managerder

384 arns - A Remote Network Server Systemarm managerder

385 ibm-app - IBM Applicationerver Systemarm managerder

385 ibm-app - IBM Applicationerver Systemarm managerder

386 asa - ASA Message Router Object Def.marm managerder

387 aurp - Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.anagerder

388 unidata-ldm - Unidata LDM Version 4ng Pro.anagerder

389 ldap - Lightweight Directory Access Protocolagerder

390 uis -- Lightweight Directory Access Protocolagerder

391 synotics-relay - SynOptics SNMP Relay Portolagerder

392 synotics-broker - SynOptics Port Broker Portagerder

393 dis - Data Interpretation System Broker Portagerder

394 embl-ndt - EMBL Nucleic Data Transferer Portagerder

395 netcp - NETscout Control Protocolsferer Portagerder

396 netware-ip - Novell Netware over IPerer Portagerder

397 mptn - Multi Protocol Trans. Net.IPerer Portagerder

398 kryptolan -i Protocol Trans. Net.IPerer Portagerder

399 iso-tsap-c2 - ISO-TSAP Class 2et.IPerer Portagerder

400 work-sol - Workstation Solutions.IPerer Portagerder

401 ups - Uninterruptible Power SupplyPerer Portagerder

402 genie - Genie ProtocolPower SupplyPerer Portagerder

403 decap - Genie ProtocolPower SupplyPerer Portagerder

404 nced -- Genie ProtocolPower SupplyPerer Portagerder

405 ncld -- Genie ProtocolPower SupplyPerer Portagerder

406 imsp - Interactive Mail Support ProtocolPortagerder

407 timbuktu -eractive Mail Support ProtocolPortagerder

408 prm-sm - Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.agerder

409 prm-nm - Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.agerder

410 decladebug - DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocolgerder

411 rmt - Remote MT ProtocolRemote Debug Protocolgerder

412 synoptics-trap - Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

413 smsp -ics-trap - Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

414 infoseek -trap - Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

415 bnet -ek -trap - Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

416 silverplatter -- Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

417 onmux -latter -- Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

418 hyper-g -tter -- Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

419 ariel1 --tter -- Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

420 smpte ---tter -- Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

421 ariel2 --tter -- Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

422 ariel3 --tter -- Trap Convention PortProtocolgerder

423 opc-job-start - IBM Operations Planning and Control Start

424 opc-job-track - IBM Operations Planning and Control Track

425 icad-el -rack - IBM Operations Planning and Control Track

426 smartsdp -ack - IBM Operations Planning and Control Track

427 svrloc - Server Locationations Planning and Control Track

428 ocs_cmu -Server Locationations Planning and Control Track

429 ocs_amu -Server Locationations Planning and Control Track

430 utmpsd --Server Locationations Planning and Control Track

431 utmpcd --Server Locationations Planning and Control Track

432 iasd - --Server Locationations Planning and Control Track

433 nnsp - --Server Locationations Planning and Control Track

434 mobileip-agent -Locationations Planning and Control Track

435 mobilip-mn -nt -Locationations Planning and Control Track

436 dna-cml -n -nt -Locationations Planning and Control Track

437 comscm --n -nt -Locationations Planning and Control Track

438 dsfgw ---n -nt -Locationations Planning and Control Track

439 dasp ----n -nt -Locationations Planning and Control Track

440 sgcp ----n -nt -Locationations Planning and Control Track

441 decvms-sysmgt --Locationations Planning and Control Track

442 cvc_hostd -gt --Locationations Planning and Control Track

443 https -td -gt --Locationations Planning and Control Track

444 snpp - Simple Network Paging Protocolng and Control Track

445 microsoft-ds -Network Paging Protocolng and Control Track

446 ddm-rdb --ds -Network Paging Protocolng and Control Track

447 ddm-dfm --ds -Network Paging Protocolng and Control Track

448 ddm-byte -ds -Network Paging Protocolng and Control Track

449 as-servermap - AS Server Mapperotocolng and Control Track

450 tserver -map - AS Server Mapperotocolng and Control Track

451 sfs-smp-net - Cray Network Semaphore server Control Track

452 sfs-config - Cray SFS config servere server Control Track

453 creativeserver - CreativeServerrvere server Control Track

454 contentserver - ContentServererrvere server Control Track

455 creativepartnr - CreativePartnrrvere server Control Track

456 macon-tcp -tnr - CreativePartnrrvere server Control Track

457 scohelp - -tnr - CreativePartnrrvere server Control Track

458 appleqtc - apple quick timertnrrvere server Control Track

459 ampr-rcmd -apple quick timertnrrvere server Control Track

460 skronk -d -apple quick timertnrrvere server Control Track

461 datasurfsrv -ple quick timertnrrvere server Control Track

462 datasurfsrvsec - quick timertnrrvere server Control Track

463 alpes -fsrvsec - quick timertnrrvere server Control Track

464 kpasswd - Kerberos (v5)timertnrrvere server Control Track

512 exec - remote process execution;vere server Control Track

513 login - remote login a la telnet;ere server Control Track

514 cmd - shell #like exec, but automatic authentication is performed

515 printer - spooler exec, but automatic authentication is performed

517 talk -r - spooler exec, but automatic authentication is performed

518 ntalk - - spooler exec, but automatic authentication is performed

519 utime - unixtimer exec, but automatic authentication is performed

520 efs - extended file name serveromatic authentication is performed

525 timed - timeservere name serveromatic authentication is performed

526 tempo - newdatevere name serveromatic authentication is performed

530 courier - rpctevere name serveromatic authentication is performed

531 conference - chatre name serveromatic authentication is performed

532 netnews - readnewse name serveromatic authentication is performed

533 netwall - for emergency broadcaststic authentication is performed

539 apertus-ldp - Apertus Technologies Load Determinationis performed

540 uucp - uucpd- Apertus Technologies Load Determinationis performed

541 uucp-rlogin - Apertus Technologies Load Determinationis performed

543 klogin - Kerberos (v4/v5)hnologies Load Determinationis performed

544 kshell - krcmd #Kerberos (v4/v5)es Load Determinationis performed

545 appleqtcsrvr - #Kerberos (v4/v5)es Load Determinationis performed

550 new-rwho - new-whorberos (v4/v5)es Load Determinationis performed

551 cybercash -new-whorberos (v4/v5)es Load Determinationis performed

552 deviceshare -w-whorberos (v4/v5)es Load Determinationis performed

553 pirp -share -w-whorberos (v4/v5)es Load Determinationis performed

555 dsf --share -w-whorberos (v4/v5)es Load Determinationis performed

556 remotefs - rfs rfs_server #Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

557 openvms-sysipc -fs_server #Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

558 sdnskmp -ysipc -fs_server #Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

559 teedtap -ysipc -fs_server #Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

560 rmonitor - rmonitorderver #Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

561 monitor -- rmonitorderver #Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

562 chshell - chcmditorderver #Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

563 snews - - chcmditorderver #Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

564 9pfs - plan 9 file service#Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

565 whoami -lan 9 file service#Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

570 meter - demon file service#Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

571 umeter - udemonile service#Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

600 ipcserver - Sun IPC server#Brunhoff remote filesystemis performed

606 urm - Cray Unified Resource Manager remote filesystemis performed

607 nqs - Cray Unified Resource Manager remote filesystemis performed

608 sift-uft - Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer s performed

609 npmp-trap -Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer s performed

610 npmp-local -ender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer s performed

611 npmp-gui - -ender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer s performed

634 ginad -i - -ender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer s performed

666 mdqs - or doom ID Softwared/Unsolicited File Transfer s performed

704 elcsd - errlog copy/server daemonicited File Transfer s performed

709 entrustmanager - EntrustManageronicited File Transfer s performed

729 netviewdm1 - IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Clientransfer s performed

730 netviewdm2 - IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcplientransfer s performed

731 netviewdm3 - IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcpntransfer s performed

741 netgw -dm3 - IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcpntransfer s performed

742 netrcs - Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.ve/tcpntransfer s performed

744 flexlm - Flexible License Manager Sys.ve/tcpntransfer s performed

747 fujitsu-dev - Fujitsu Device Controls.ve/tcpntransfer s performed

748 ris-cm - Russell Info Sci Calendar Managercpntransfer s performed

749 kerberos-adm - Kerberos administration (v5)pntransfer s performed

750 kerberos - kdc-Kerberos (v4) or rfilen (v5)pntransfer s performed

751 kerberos_master - Kerberos `kadmin' (v4) or pumpnsfer s performed

752 qrh -ros_master - Kerberos `kadmin' (v4) or pumpnsfer s performed

753 rrh -ros_master - Kerberos `kadmin' (v4) or pumpnsfer s performed

754 krb_prop - krb5_prop #kerberos/v5 server propogation or send tell

758 nlogin - - krb5_prop #kerberos/v5 server propogation or send tell

759 con -n - - krb5_prop #kerberos/v5 server propogation or send tell

760 krbupdate - kreg #Kerberos (v4) registration or NSon or send tell

761 kpasswd - kpwd #Kerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

762 quotad -- kpwd #Kerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

763 cycleserv -pwd #Kerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

764 omserv -v -pwd #Kerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

765 webster - -pwd #Kerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

767 phonebook - phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

769 vid -book - phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

770 cadlock - - phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

771 rtip -k - - phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

772 cycleserv2 -phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

773 submit -v2 -phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

774 rpasswd -2 -phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

775 entomb --2 -phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

776 wpages --2 -phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

780 wpgs - --2 -phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

786 concert -2 -phoneerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

800 mdbs_daemon -honeerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

801 device -mon -honeerberos (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

871 supfilesrv - for SUPros (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

888 accessbuilder -or SUPros (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

996 vsinet -ilder -or SUPros (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

997 maitrd -ilder -or SUPros (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

998 busboy -ilder -or SUPros (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

999 garcon -ilder -or SUPros (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

999 puprouter -er -or SUPros (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

1000 cadlock - -er -or SUPros (v4) "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

1025 blackjack - network blackjack "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

1030 iad1 - BBN IADtwork blackjack "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

1031 iad2 - BBN IADtwork blackjack "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

1032 iad3 - BBN IADtwork blackjack "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

1058 nim -- BBN IADtwork blackjack "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

1059 nimreg -BN IADtwork blackjack "passwd" or rxeor NSon or send tell

1067 instl_boots - Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv. on or send tell

1068 instl_bootc - Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.. on or send tell

1080 socks -ootc - Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.. on or send tell

1083 ansoft-lm-1 - Anasoft License ManagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1084 ansoft-lm-2 - Anasoft License ManagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1110 nfsd-status - Cluster status infoagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1127 supfiledbg - for SUP status infoagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1155 nfa - Network File Access oagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1178 skkserv - SKK (kanji input) oagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1212 lupa -v - SKK (kanji input) oagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1222 nerv - SNI R&D network oagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1248 hermes -NI R&D network oagerProto. Cli.. on or send tell

1346 alta-ana-lm - Alta Analytics License Manager li.. on or send tell

1347 bbn-mmc - multi media conferencingse Manager li.. on or send tell

1348 bbn-mmx - multi media conferencingse Manager li.. on or send tell

1349 sbook - Registration Network ProtocolManager li.. on or send tell

1350 editbench - Registration Network Protocolger li.. on or send tell

1351 equationbuilder - Digital Tool Works (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1352 lotusnote - Lotus Notetal Tool Works (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1353 relief - Relief ConsultingTool Works (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1354 rightbrain - RightBrain Software (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1355 intuitive-edge - Intuitive Edgee (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1356 cuillamartin - CuillaMartin Company (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1357 pegboard - Electronic PegBoard pany (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1358 connlcli - Electronic PegBoard pany (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1359 ftsrv -i - Electronic PegBoard pany (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1360 mimer -i - Electronic PegBoard pany (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1361 linx --i - Electronic PegBoard pany (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1362 timeflies -Electronic PegBoard pany (MIT)er li.. on or send tell

1363 ndm-requester - Network DataMover Requesterr li.. on or send tell

. 1364 ndm-server - Network DataMover Server terr li.. on or send tell

1365 adapt-sna - Network Software Associates terr li.. on or send tell

1366 netware-csp - Novell NetWare Comm Service Platformon or send tell

1367 dcs -re-csp - Novell NetWare Comm Service Platformon or send tell

1368 screencast -- Novell NetWare Comm Service Platformon or send tell

1369 gv-us - GlobalView to Unix Shell Service Platformon or send tell

1370 us-gv - Unix Shell to GlobalView Service Platformon or send tell

1371 fc-cli - Fujitsu Config Protocol Service Platformon or send tell

1372 fc-ser - Fujitsu Config Protocol Service Platformon or send tell

1373 chromagrafx -tsu Config Protocol Service Platformon or send tell

1374 molly - EPI Software Systemsocol Service Platformon or send tell

1375 bytex - EPI Software Systemsocol Service Platformon or send tell

1376 ibm-pps - IBM Person to Person Software atformon or send tell

1377 cichlid - Cichlid License Manager ware atformon or send tell

1378 elan - Elan License Manager ger ware atformon or send tell

1379 dbreporter - Integrity Solutionsr ware atformon or send tell

1380 telesis-licman - Telesis Network License Managerrmon or send tell

1381 apple-licman - Apple Network License Manager gerrmon or send tell

1382 udt_os -cman - Apple Network License Manager gerrmon or send tell

1383 gwha - GW Hannaway Network License Managerer gerrmon or send tell

1384 os-licman - Objective Solutions License Manager rmon or send tell

1385 atex_elmd - Atex Publishing License Managerager rmon or send tell

1386 checksum - CheckSum License Manager Managerager rmon or send tell

1387 cadsi-lm - Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM mon or send tell

1388 objective-dbc - Objective Solutions DataBase Cacheon or send tell

1389 iclpv-dm - Document Managerolutions DataBase Cacheon or send tell

1390 iclpv-sc - Storage Controllerutions DataBase Cacheon or send tell

1391 iclpv-sas - Storage Access Serverns DataBase Cacheon or send tell

1392 iclpv-pm - Print Managerss Serverns DataBase Cacheon or send tell

1393 iclpv-nls - Network Log Serververns DataBase Cacheon or send tell

1394 iclpv-nlc - Network Log Clientverns DataBase Cacheon or send tell

1395 iclpv-wsm - PC Workstation Manager softwaree Cacheon or send tell

1396 dvl-activemail - DVL Active Mailer softwaree Cacheon or send tell

1397 audio-activmail - Audio Active Mailsoftwaree Cacheon or send tell

1398 video-activmail - Video Active Mailsoftwaree Cacheon or send tell

1399 cadkey-licman - Cadkey License Manager ree Cacheon or send tell

1400 cadkey-tablet - Cadkey Tablet Daemon ree Cacheon or send tell

1401 goldleaf-licman - Goldleaf License Manageree Cacheon or send tell

1402 prm-sm-np - Prospero Resource Managernageree Cacheon or send tell

1403 prm-nm-np - Prospero Resource Managernageree Cacheon or send tell

1404 igi-lm - Infinite Graphics License Manageree Cacheon or send tell

1405 ibm-res - IBM Remote Execution Starterageree Cacheon or send tell

1406 netlabs-lm - NetLabs License Managererageree Cacheon or send tell

1407 dbsa-lm - DBSA License Manageranagererageree Cacheon or send tell

1408 sophia-lm - Sophia License Managerererageree Cacheon or send tell

1409 here-lm - Here License Manager rerageree Cacheon or send tell

1410 hiq - HiQ License Manager rerageree Cacheon or send tell

1411 af - AudioFile ager rerageree Cacheon or send tell

1412 innosys -oFile ager rerageree Cacheon or send tell

1413 innosys-acl -e ager rerageree Cacheon or send tell

1414 ibm-mqseries - IBM MQSeries rerageree Cacheon or send tell

1415 dbstar -ries - IBM MQSeries rerageree Cacheon or send tell

1416 novell-lu6.2 - Novell LU6.2 rerageree Cacheon or send tell

1417 timbuktu-srv1 - Timbuktu Service 1 Port acheon or send tell

1417 timbuktu-srv1 - Timbuktu Service 1 Port acheon or send tell

1418 timbuktu-srv2 - Timbuktu Service 2 Port acheon or send tell

1419 timbuktu-srv3 - Timbuktu Service 3 Port acheon or send tell

1420 timbuktu-srv4 - Timbuktu Service 4 Port acheon or send tell

1421 gandalf-lm - Gandalf License Managerort acheon or send tell

1422 autodesk-lm - Autodesk License Manager acheon or send tell

1423 essbase - Essbase Arbor Software r acheon or send tell

1424 hybrid - Hybrid Encryption Protocol r acheon or send tell

1425 zion-lm - Zion Software License Manager acheon or send tell

1426 sas-1 - Satellite-data Acquisition System 1 acheon or send tell

1427 mloadd - mloadd monitoring tool ystem 1 acheon or send tell

1428 informatik-lm - Informatik License Manager1 acheon or send tell

1429 nms - Hypercom NMS ik License Manager1 acheon or send tell

1430 tpdu - Hypercom TPDU License Manager1 acheon or send tell

1431 rgtp - Reverse Gossip Transportnse Manager1 acheon or send tell

1432 blueberry-lm - Blueberry Software License Managereon or send tell

1433 ms-sql-s - Microsoft-SQL-Server e License Managereon or send tell

1434 ms-sql-m - Microsoft-SQL-Monitore License Managereon or send tell

1435 ibm-cics - Microsoft-SQL-Monitore License Managereon or send tell

1436 sas-2 - Satellite-data Acquisition System 2anagereon or send tell

1437 tabula -Satellite-data Acquisition System 2anagereon or send tell

1438 eicon-server - Eicon Security Agent/Server2anagereon or send tell

1439 eicon-x25 - Eicon X25/SNA Gatewaynt/Server2anagereon or send tell

1440 eicon-slp - Eicon Service Location Protocolanagereon or send tell

1441 cadis-1 - Cadis License Management otocolanagereon or send tell

1442 cadis-2 - Cadis License Management otocolanagereon or send tell

1443 ies-lm - Integrated Engineering Softwarecolanagereon or send tell

1444 marcam-lm - Marcam License Management colanagereon or send tell

1445 proxima-lm - Proxima License Manager colanagereon or send tell

1446 ora-lm - Optical Research Associates License Manager or send tell

1447 apri-lm - Applied Parallel Research LMicense Manager or send tell

1448 oc-lm - OpenConnect License Manager LMicense Manager or send tell

1449 peport -OpenConnect License Manager LMicense Manager or send tell

1450 dwf - Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility Manager or send tell

1451 infoman - IBM Information Managementacility Manager or send tell

1452 gtegsc-lm - GTE Government Systems License Man nager or send tell

1453 genie-lm - Genie License Manager s License Man nager or send tell

1454 interhdl_elmd - interHDL License Manager Man nager or send tell

1454 interhdl_elmd - interHDL License Manager Man nager or send tell

1455 esl-lm - ESL License Manager se Manager Man nager or send tell

1456 dca -m - ESL License Manager se Manager Man nager or send tell

1457 valisys-lm - Valisys License Managerager Man nager or send tell

1458 nrcabq-lm - Nichols Research Corp.erager Man nager or send tell

1459 proshare1 - Proshare Notebook Application Man nager or send tell

1460 proshare2 - Proshare Notebook Application Man nager or send tell

1461 ibm_wrless_lan - IBM Wireless LAN ication Man nager or send tell

1462 world-lm - World License ManagerN ication Man nager or send tell

1463 nucleus -- World License ManagerN ication Man nager or send tell

1464 msl_lmd - MSL License ManagergerN ication Man nager or send tell

1465 pipes - Pipes Platform anagergerN ication Man nager or send tell

1466 oceansoft-lm - Ocean Software License Managern nager or send tell

1467 csdmbase -lm - Ocean Software License Managern nager or send tell

1468 csdm -se -lm - Ocean Software License Managern nager or send tell

1469 aal-lm - Active Analysis Limited License Managerager or send tell

1470 uaiact - Universal Analytics ed License Managerager or send tell

1471 csdmbase -niversal Analytics ed License Managerager or send tell

1472 csdm -se -niversal Analytics ed License Managerager or send tell

1473 openmath -niversal Analytics ed License Managerager or send tell

1474 telefinder -versal Analytics ed License Managerager or send tell

1475 taligent-lm - Taligent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1476 clvm-cfg -m - Taligent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1477 ms-sna-server -aligent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1478 ms-sna-base - -aligent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1479 dberegister - -aligent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1480 pacerforum -- -aligent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1481 airs -orum -- -aligent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1482 miteksys-lm - Miteksys License Manager Managerager or send tell

1483 afs - AFS License Manager se Manager Managerager or send tell

1484 confluent - Confluent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1485 lansource - Confluent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1486 nms_topo_serv -fluent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1487 localinfosrvr -fluent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1488 docstor -srvr -fluent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1489 dmdocbroker - -fluent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1490 insitu-conf - -fluent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1491 anynetgateway -fluent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1492 stone-design-1 -luent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1493 netmap_lm -n-1 -luent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1494 ica -p_lm -n-1 -luent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1495 cvc -p_lm -n-1 -luent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1496 liberty-lm --1 -luent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1497 rfx-lm -lm --1 -luent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1498 watcom-sql --1 -luent License Manager Managerager or send tell

1499 fhc - Federico Heinz Consultoraanager Managerager or send tell

1500 vlsi-lm - VLSI License Manageraanager Managerager or send tell

1501 sas-3 - Satellite-data Acquisition System 3 agerager or send tell

1502 shivadiscovery - Shiva Acquisition System 3 agerager or send tell

1503 imtc-mcs - Databeamiva Acquisition System 3 agerager or send tell

1504 evb-elm - EVB Software Engineering License Managerer or send tell

1505 funkproxy - Funk Software, Inc.ing License Managerer or send tell

1506 utcd - Universal Time daemon (utcd)License Managerer or send tell

1507 symplex -iversal Time daemon (utcd)License Managerer or send tell

1508 diagmond -versal Time daemon (utcd)License Managerer or send tell

1509 robcad-lm - Robcad, Ltd. License Managerse Managerer or send tell

1510 mvx-lm - Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.er or send tell

1511 3l-l1 -- Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.er or send tell

1512 wins - Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Servicen.er or send tell

1513 fujitsu-dtc - Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Incr send tell

1514 fujitsu-dtcns - Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Incsend tell

1515 ifor-protocol - Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Incsend tell

1516 vpad - Virtual Places Audio dataBusiness of America, Incsend tell

1517 vpac - Virtual Places Audio controliness of America, Incsend tell

1518 vpvd - Virtual Places Video dataroliness of America, Incsend tell

1519 vpvc - Virtual Places Video controliness of America, Incsend tell

1520 atm-zip-office - atm zip officetroliness of America, Incsend tell

1521 ncube-lm - nCube License Managerroliness of America, Incsend tell

1522 rna-lm - Ricardo North America License Managererica, Incsend tell

1523 cichild-lm -ardo North America License Managererica, Incsend tell

1524 ingreslock - ingresrth America License Managererica, Incsend tell

1525 prospero-np - Prospero Directory Service non-priv or orasrv-oracle

1526 pdap-np - Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv priv or orasrv-oracle

1527 tlisrv - oracleero Data Access Prot non-priv priv or orasrv-oracle

1528 mciautoreg -cleero Data Access Prot non-priv priv or orasrv-oracle

1529 coauthor - oracleo Data Access Prot non-priv priv or orasrv-oracle

1529 support - prmsd gnatsd #cygnus bug trackeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1530 rap-service -sd gnatsd #cygnus bug trackeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1531 rap-listen --sd gnatsd #cygnus bug trackeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1532 miroconnect -sd gnatsd #cygnus bug trackeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1533 virtual-places - Virtual Places Softwareeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1534 micromuse-lm - - Virtual Places Softwareeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1535 ampr-info -m - - Virtual Places Softwareeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1536 ampr-inter - - - Virtual Places Softwareeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1537 sdsc-lm -r - - - Virtual Places Softwareeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1538 3ds-lm --r - - - Virtual Places Softwareeriv priv or orasrv-oracle

1539 intellistor-lm - Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1540 rds -listor-lm - Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1541 rds2 -istor-lm - Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1542 gridgen-elmd - - Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1543 simba-cs -md - - Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1544 aspeclmd -md - - Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1545 vistium-share -- Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1546 abbaccuray -e -- Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1547 laplink -y -e -- Intellistor License Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1548 axon-lm - Axon License Managericense Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1549 shivahose - Shiva Hose Managericense Manager priv or orasrv-oracle

1550 3m-image-lm - Image Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1551 hecmtl-db - - Image Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1552 pciarray -- - Image Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1600 issd -ay -- - Image Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1650 nkd --ay -- - Image Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1651 shiva_confsrvr -age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1652 xnmp -confsrvr -age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1661 netview-aix-1 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1662 netview-aix-2 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1663 netview-aix-3 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1664 netview-aix-4 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1665 netview-aix-5 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1666 netview-aix-6 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1667 netview-aix-7 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1668 netview-aix-8 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1669 netview-aix-9 --age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1670 netview-aix-10 -age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1671 netview-aix-11 -age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1672 netview-aix-12 -age Storage license manager 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1986 licensedaemon - cisco license managementger 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1987 tr-rsrb-p1 - cisco RSRB Priority 1 porttger 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1988 tr-rsrb-p2 - cisco RSRB Priority 2 porttger 3M Companyrasrv-oracle

1989 tr-rsrb-p3 - cisco RSRB Priority 3 port or mshnet(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1990 stun-p1 - cisco STUN Priority 1 portort or mshnet(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1991 stun-p2 - cisco STUN Priority 2 portort or mshnet(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1992 stun-p3 - cisco STUN Priority 3 port or ipsendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1993 snmp-tcp-port - cisco SNMP TCP portt or ipsendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1994 stun-port - cisco serial tunnel port or ipsendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1995 perf-port - cisco perf portnnel port or ipsendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1996 tr-rsrb-port - cisco Remote SRB port or ipsendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1997 gdp-port - cisco Gateway Discovery Protocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1998 x25-svc-port - cisco X.25 service (XOT)ocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

1999 tcp-id-port - cisco identification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2000 callbook -t - cisco identification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2001 dc -book -t - cisco identification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2002 globe -k -t - cisco identification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2003 cfingerd - GNU fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2004 mailbox -- GNU fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2005 berknet -- GNU fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2006 invokator -GNU fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2007 dectalk - -GNU fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2008 conf -k - -GNU fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2009 news -k - -GNU fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2010 search -- -GNU fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2011 raid-cc - raid fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2012 ttyinfo - raid fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2013 raid-am - raid fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2014 troff - - raid fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2015 cypress - raid fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2016 bootserver -id fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2017 cypress-stat - fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2018 terminaldb - - fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2019 whosockami - - fingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2020 xinupageserver -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2021 servexec -rver -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2022 down -ec -rver -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2023 xinuexpansion3 -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2024 xinuexpansion4 -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2025 ellpack -sion4 -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2026 scrabble -ion4 -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2027 shadowserver - -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2028 submitserver - -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2030 device2 -ver - -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2032 blackboard - - -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2033 glogger -d - - -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2034 scoremgr - - - -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2035 imsldoc -- - - -ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2038 objectmanager --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2040 lam -tmanager --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2041 interbase -er --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2042 isis -ase -er --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2043 isis-bcast -r --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2044 rimsl -ast -r --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2045 cdfunc -st -r --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2046 sdfunc -st -r --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2047 dls -c -st -r --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2048 dls-monitor - --ingerdentification portocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2049 nfsd - nfs #NFS server daemon or shilptocolendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2065 dlsrpn - Data Link Switch Read Port Numberlendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2067 dlswpn - Data Link Switch Write Port Numberendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2105 eklogin - Kerberos (v4) encrypted rloginberendmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2108 rkinit - Kerberos (v4) remote initializationndmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2201 ats - Advanced Training System Programzationndmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2232 ivs-video - IVS Video defaultm Programzationndmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2241 ivsd - IVS Daemonideo defaultm Programzationndmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2307 pehelp -VS Daemonideo defaultm Programzationndmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2401 cvspserver - CVS network serverProgramzationndmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2500 rtsserv - Resource Tracking system serverionndmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2501 rtsclient - Resource Tracking system clientnndmsg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2564 hp-3000-telnet - HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2766 listen - System V listener portlock mode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

2784 www-dev - world wide web - developmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3000 ppp - User-level ppp daemondevelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3049 NSWS -User-level ppp daemondevelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3086 sj3 - SJ3 (kanji input)emondevelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3141 vmodem -3 (kanji input)emondevelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3264 ccmail - cc:mail/lotus)emondevelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3333 dec-notes - DEC Notess)emondevelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3421 bmap - Bull Apprise portmapperelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3455 prsvp - RSVP Portse portmapperelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3456 vat - VAT default datartmapperelopmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3457 vat-control - VAT default controlpmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3900 udt_os - Unidata UDT OSlt controlpmentode telnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3984 mapper-nodemgr - MAPPER network node managerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3985 mapper-mapethd - MAPPER TCP/IP servermanagerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

3986 mapper-ws_ethd - MAPPER workstation servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4008 netcheque - NetCheque accounting on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4045 lockd -ue - NetCheque accounting on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4132 nuts_dem - NUTS Daemonaccounting on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4133 nuts_bootp - NUTS Bootp Serverng on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4321 rwhois - Remote Who Isp Serverng on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4343 unicall -Remote Who Isp Serverng on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4444 krb524 - or nv-videoIsp Serverng on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4500 sae-urn -or nv-videoIsp Serverng on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4557 fax - FAX transmission serviceng on servererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4559 hylafax - HylaFAX client-server protocolererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

4672 rfa - remote file access server protocolererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5000 commplex-main -le access server protocolererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5001 commplex-link -le access server protocolererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5002 rfe - radio free ethernetserver protocolererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5010 telelpathstart - ethernetserver protocolererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5011 telelpathattack -ethernetserver protocolererlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5050 mmcc - multimedia conference control toolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5145 rmonitor_secure - conference control toolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5190 aol - America-Onlinenference control toolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5191 aol-1 - AmericaOnline1erence control toolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5192 aol-2 - AmericaOnline2erence control toolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5193 aol-3 - AmericaOnline3erence control toolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5236 padl2sim -ericaOnline3erence control toolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5300 hacl-hb - HA cluster heartbeatntrol toolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5301 hacl-gs - HA cluster general servicesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5302 hacl-cfg - HA cluster configurationesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5303 hacl-probe - HA cluster probingtionesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5304 hacl-local - HA cluster probingtionesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5305 hacl-test -- HA cluster probingtionesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5680 canna - Canna (Japanese Input)ngtionesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5713 proshareaudio - proshare conf audionesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5714 prosharevideo - proshare conf videonesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5715 prosharedata - proshare conf data onesoolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5716 prosharerequest - proshare conf requestolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

5717 prosharenotify - proshare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6001 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6002 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6003 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6004 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6005 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6006 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6007 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6008 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6009 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6010 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6011 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6012 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6013 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6014 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6015 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6016 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6017 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6018 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6019 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6020 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6021 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6022 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6023 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6024 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6025 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6026 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6027 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6028 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6029 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6030 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6031 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6032 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6033 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6034 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6035 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6036 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6037 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6038 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6039 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6040 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6041 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6042 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6043 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6044 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6045 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6046 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6047 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6048 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6049 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6050 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6051 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6052 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6053 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6054 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6055 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6056 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6057 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6058 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6059 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6060 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6061 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6062 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6063 x11 - X Window Systemhare conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6110 softcm - HP SoftBench CMe conf notify tolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6111 spc - HP SoftBench Sub-Process Controltolrerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6141 meta-corp - Meta Corporation License Managerlnetg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6142 aspentec-lm - Aspen Technology License Manageretg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6143 watershed-lm - Watershed License Manageranageretg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6144 statsci1-lm - StatSci License Manager - 1nageretg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6145 statsci2-lm - StatSci License Manager - 2nageretg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6146 lonewolf-lm - Lone Wolf Systems License Managertg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6147 montage-lm - Montage License Managernse Managertg(MSH)rasrv-oracle

6148 ricardo-lm - Ricardo North America License ManagerMSH)rasrv-oracle

6558 xdsxdm -lm - Ricardo North America License ManagerMSH)rasrv-oracle

6969 acmsoda -m - Ricardo North America License ManagerMSH)rasrv-oracle

7000 afs3-fileserver - file server itselficense ManagerMSH)rasrv-oracle

7001 afs3-callback - callbacks to cache managersManagerMSH)rasrv-oracle

7002 afs3-prserver - users & groups databasegersManagerMSH)rasrv-oracle

7003 afs3-vlserver - volume location databaseersManagerMSH)rasrv-oracle

7004 afs3-kaserver - AFS/Kerberos authentication serviceSH)rasrv-oracle

7005 afs3-volser - volume managment servercation serviceSH)rasrv-oracle

7006 afs3-errors - error interpretation servicen serviceSH)rasrv-oracle

7007 afs3-bos - basic overseer processn servicen serviceSH)rasrv-oracle

7008 afs3-update - server-to-server updatervicen serviceSH)rasrv-oracle

7009 afs3-rmtsys - remote cache manager servicen serviceSH)rasrv-oracle

7010 ups-onlinet - onlinet uninterruptable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

7100 font-service - X Font Serviceruptable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

7200 fodms - FODMS FLIPont Serviceruptable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

7201 dlip -- FODMS FLIPont Serviceruptable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

9535 man --- FODMS FLIPont Serviceruptable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

9876 sd - Session Director Serviceruptable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

10082 amandaidx - Amanda indexingceruptable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

10083 amidxtape - Amanda tape indexingtable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

17007 isode-dua - Amanda tape indexingtable power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

18000 biimenu - Beckman Instruments, Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

22273 wnn4 - Wnn4 (Japanese input)s, Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

22273 wnn6 - Wnn6 (Japanese input)s, Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

22289 wnn4_Cn - Wnn4 (Chinese input) Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

22289 wnn6_Cn - Wnn6 (Chinese input) Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

22305 wnn4_Kr - Wnn4 (Korean input)) Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

22305 wnn6_Kr - Wnn6 (Korean input)) Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

22321 wnn4_Tw - Wnn4 (Taiwanse input)Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

22321 wnn6_Tw - Wnn6 (Taiwanse input)Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

26208 wnn6_DS - Wnn6 (Dserver) input)Inc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

47557 dbbrowse - Databeam CorporationInc.le power suppliesH)rasrv-oracle

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